personal growth

Why is purity more than the inverse of getting impure?

Openness to right is a much stronger power than the avoidance of wrong



1. Purity as the inverse of getting impure. Today’s consumer associates purity mostly with washing powder advertisements. Purity has become a generally available category that can be gained back quickly and cheaply in case we have lost it. However, we deal with remorse and self-cleaning a lot, even if we ignore doing so. (If you want to know more about this, please read the post here.) But sin-centric life is a dead end. Openness to right is a much stronger power than the avoidance of wrong.



2. Purity as cleanness leading to Totality. Sin cannot get close to the totality and purity of God’s Silence, since it perishes there. Thus purity is not the inverse of getting impure but the measure of the closeness to God. (If you want to know more about this, please read the post here.)



3. Purity as a source of love. Purity is the second stage after humility when the most intensive love of Totality start to shine in our souls and washes off everything that has accumulated there as the impurity of human life. Purity not only avoids sin but provides openness and radiates unrestricted love. Purity does not build walls but makes a community of us all – with the power of love. (If you want to know more about this, please read the post here.)


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Our daily bread

A personal confession about the Totality of life


The previous blog posts’ style was very 'general'. I wrote free of personal experiences, in a general way about the light of Christmas, happiness, the miracle of quality time, the wisdom of patience and the strength of humility. In the aims of the blog I have explained that the reason for generalizing is not that „I think that my thoughts are generally true. The reason of generalized statements is that I feel that our contemporary thinking became rather disintegrated, which drives a large demand of valid generalizations.This post is a personal confession. I realized that it is impossible to write about the joy of Totality in a generalized fashion but only in a very personal way. Many thanks for reading my story here. It is my great pleasure that three friends of mine, Aniko Szecsi, Barnabas Póth and Csilla Fuszek joined me and shared their most important moments in life.

(The photo was made by my father about me in 1965.)


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Joy, personal growth and love: the character of humility as a state of life

How does humility differ from honor, obedience and humiliation?


1. How does humility differ from humiliation? Humility is not a behavior or "commitment" but a state of life, which is not affecting the value or rank of the ego. Recognizing humility as a state of life is the Copernican Revolution of the Spirit. At this point the Spirit realizes that not the ego is in the center of the world but Totality. With this the Spirit escapes from the prison of the ego and, observing Totality, it starts admiring its wealth and its possibilities surpassing countless times what the ego can perceive. Thus humility does not make us poorer, but richer. (If you are interested to know how, please read the post here.)



2. How does humility differ from honor and obedience? Humility is the state of openness to honor and obedience. Humility may create honor and obedience, but in a much wider and more creative way as honor and obedience would do themselves. Humility does not develop servility but gives strength and freedom.  (If you are interested to know how, please read the post here.)



3. Joy, personal growth and love: the character of humility as a state of life. In the state of humility the Spirit lives in a flow of joy. Talent is not restricted by humility. On the contrary, humility enables a faster development of talent. Humility creates the highest level of love: agape. (If you are interested to know how, read the post here.)


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Waiting and persistence – as modern virtues

How can we discover the wisdom and creativity of patience?



1. Waiting and persistence are virtues here and now. Behavior of „let’s get and enjoy today’s pleasures fast” is such a form of „runaway selection” that destroys the chance of sustainable development with increased consumption of goods. "In those who are really able to wait, a profound patience is born that is not at all less regarding its beauty and meaning than all what they are awaiting for.(János Pilinszky) Our desires which are not fulfilled for a long time may improve us much more than those which become accomplished quickly.



2. The liberating and creative strength of patience. Virtues of waiting and persistence liberate us. If we do not obey our first reflexes but we think our situation over thoroughly, more creative and optimal solutions may emerge in our minds. (If you wish to know how, please read the post.)




3. Why patience has become one of the key elements of wisdom specifically today? The wise avoids the extremes. But the wise does more than that. If circumstances drive towards one of the extremes the wise moves just to the other. That is why we should deliberately slow down when life accelerates around us. (If you wish to know how patience becomes a way to save the harmony of the world, please read the post.)


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How can we discover the miracle in our lives?

Thoughts about quality-time




1. Life devoid of quality-time and miracles. The sea of information surrounding us does not only open possibilities but also imprisons us, especially when we become its servants instead of its masters. Consequently, we lose quality-time and the capability of sensing miracles. I give three examples to illustrate how our possessions and social bonds grow over us becoming oppressive and unmanageable. This is the time when we start to crave for a miracle. From this ’self-made trap’ we can get free only with cutting the Gordian knot tied by ourselves. How?

2. The miracle of our own lives. The miracle we crave for is hidden in the depth of our own spirits. Let us discover it! (If you are interested in how you may do this, please read the post.)




3. Entering quality-time: when we become a miracle in others’ lives. As we discover the strength of our inner spirit, more and more of fleeting moments are becoming quality-time, Kairos. Entering quality-time we start to discover those around us who also live in quality-time. (If you are interested about the identification of people sensing Kairos, please read the post.) With them we may form a self-amplifying cycle. Thus we become a peace-source, which radiates caressing, loving silence all around. On the Path to this I wish all my Readers a lot of joyful experiences!


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Our personalized Heavens – and beyond...

A New Year's contemplation about the Path to happiness in 2018



1. Our personalized Heavens. A number of people imagine that in Heaven they will continue the best moments of their lives, without the embarrassing conditions of illness, pain or death. However, Heaven is neither ’more’ nor ’better’ than our best moments. On the contrary: Heaven is astonishingly DIFFERENT.

"the kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21)


2. The inner dimensions of growth. The inner dimensions of growth leading us to Fulfillment are folded in the inner layers of our spirit. How can we unfold them?


A.) We should learn to say "no". Self-limitation does not make us poorer but richer. (If You are curious about the explanation please read the post.)
B.) For discovering the inner dimensions of our spirit, we have to break the shells of our own egos that keep us in the spirit's surface layers. Christ’s virtues: poverty, purity and humility are able to tear us out from the captivity of our own egos.
C.) Achieving all these we will be able to empty ourselves. With this we become able to find our Path, where we will experience unimaginably new dimensions of joy.


This inner joy is not only ours but it can be shared with all other people. By sharing it, joy does not decrease. On the contrary: it increases.

On this specific, personal Path to Fulfillment I wish the Reader a very Happy New Year!


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Christmas as a state of life filled by the creativity of humility

The Day, when the Light is born within


1. The Light and Silence. Christmas is the day when the Light is born symbolizing the continuous re-birth of goodwill, hope and love in the world. Try to find some silent moments amidst the joyful whirls of the Christmas feast! If you listen intensely, silence suddenly will turn to Silence in which your heartbeat will become the common wish, hope and joy of your beloved ones, their beloved ones and the whole love-network of mankind.


2. The humble, serving love. At the original Christmas the birth of Light was surrounded by the love and humility of the Holy Family. Think about, if you love those ones humble enough whom you love the most? Christmas is the celebration of creativity. Humility gives direction and meaning to creativity and thus helps goodwill and love expand in the world.


3. Christmas as a state of life. Christmas experienced in humble, but intensive attention towards others' totality may become a state of life. Christmas as a state of life expands our spirit, sensitizing it both to accept and give joy and the love of Jesus. With this Christmas as a state of life places us on the Path which is nothing else but our lives seeking for the right. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a lot of joy on this Path!


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