1. Why do not we see the Totality of the space of our life? As mankind gained more and more knowledge since consuming the “first apple”, we understand the details of the world (the space of our lives) better and better. However by getting a more precise understanding of the details we hid ourselves into these details more and more and, in parallel, we have lost our feeling of Totality. Totality, i.e. not only the existing world but the Totality of all the possibly existing worlds, the whole possibility-space, the Totality of the space of our lives cannot be understood remaining in our creature-status, because our cognitive capacity is limited. (If you want to know more about this, please read my post here.)
2. How does the Totality of the space of our lives look like? In my last three essays before the summer holiday in July-August sum up a few points about the nature of Totality, God, i.e. Trinity as the trinity of space/kingdom, power/truth and glory/love. At first I summarize a few (fragmentary) thoughts about God’s infinitely large space. The infinitely large space of God is not only including the entire Creation and Universe but it also opens a gate to feel Totality as a gift of God’s look on us, as well as opening Himself in Christ and the Holy Spirit for us. (If you want to know more about the character of God’s infinitely large space, please read my post here.)
3. How can we experience the Totality of the space of our lives? As much as we get rid of our creature’s existence, we will be capable of adopting the Creator. However, by getting rid of our “creature existence” we will not become empty! Not only because we get to know Totality, meaning such an enormously joyful experience that we have never had before, but because at the same time we are filled with the energy and love that will pass this experience to others, too. (If you want to know more about this joyful process, please read my post here.)
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1. Why do not we see the Totality of the space of our life?
As mankind gained more and more knowledge since consuming the “first apple”, we understand the details of the world (the space of our lives) better and better. The past few decades of science gave a triumphant story of this knowledge accumulation. However, by getting a more precise understanding of the details we bury ourselves into these details more and more and, in parallel, we have lost our feeling of the Totality.
As the tiny details of Totality have become clearer and more comprehensible, more and more unsolved questions arose. That’s why more and more researchers have started to solve these questions. Due to the increasing number of researchers and research costs, a more and more intense competition has developed among them. In the increasing competition we rush more and more. Chasing tinier and tinier details became general. Significant parts of research fields became far away from the demand of understanding the Universe. They went so far away that they had no direct connection remained with the understanding of the Universe at all. Will we be able to return to the understanding of the Universe like our ancestors did? As I summarized it in my previous writing on humanity’s deadly temptations, we are very close to that point where not only our own destinies but the existence of humanity may depend on the answer to this question. Humanity is facing key decisions changing its lifestyle. These decisions may be reached only by experiencing the Universe and Totality.
Totality, i.e. not only the existing world but the Totality of all the possibly existing worlds, the whole possibility-space, the Totality of the space of our lives cannot be understood remaining in our creature-status, because our cognitive capacity is limited. It is so beautiful how the anonymous author of Frankfurt wrote about this in Theologia Germanica: „The things which are in part can be apprehended, known, and expressed; but the Perfect cannot be apprehended, known, or expressed by any creature as creature.” God himself said to Moses: "Thou canst not see my face: for man shall not see me, and live." (Exodus 33:20). Jesus stated several times and Paul the Apostle explained it in details in many of his letters that God can be known only in the union with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and cannot be understood by our human mind.
In my last three essays before the summer holiday in July-August sum up a few points about the nature of the Totality, God, i.e. the Trinity: the trinity of space/kingdom, power/truth and glory/love. At first I am going to summarize a few (fragmentary) thoughts about God’s infinitely large space. Not only because the infinitely large space of God is more than the Universe and also includes all possible paths, but also because of what Martin Luther wrote in his Magnificat: "Mary confesses that the foremost work God wrought for her was that He regarded her, which is indeed the greatest of His works, on which all the rest depend and from which they all derive. For where it comes to pass that God turns His face toward one to regard him, there is naught but grace and salvation, and all gifts and works must needs follow." Therefore the infinitely large space of God is not only including the entire Creation and Universe but it also opens a gate to feel Totality as a gift of God’s attention to us, as well as God's self-revelation in Christ and the Holy Spirit for us.
2. How does the Totality of the space of our lives look like?
Feeling the Totality of our life space, God’s infinitely large space (even in its fragmentary form) is a tremendous experience shaking the innermost depths of our souls. Why? What are those characteristics of God’s infinitely large space that provide experiences that cannot be felt anywhere else at any time by the soul? God’s infinitely large space is undivided and indivisible. This is an experience emerging together with the feeling of the Totality of this space. God’s space is infinite. It is a wonderful Mercy that this Infinity can be felt by the soul. This is an unbelievably overwhelming and sublime experience extending the soul into the Infinity. God’s space is silent. It is silent not only because it is so infinitely large that words fade in it but it is silent because no noise can penetrate the uninterruptible purity of God’s space. God’s space is full of peace. It is peaceful not only because it is silent or because it is pure but also because God’s space is the order of Providence itself creating good, maintaining good and pouring out good. Summarizing all this, God’s space shows a profound simplicity. It has the feature of profound simplicity not only because it is pure or because it is peaceful but because it is undivided and indivisible. And with this – the circle is closed.
Two important additional ideas:
1. The order of God’s space is not only the creator of peace but it also provides direction to the evolving movement and life. This direction determining the Path is the Truth itself that has been embodied by Jesus on Earth for the Father’s will and glory and whose power was assigned to Jesus by the Father. There will be more about this in my next essay published on June 8th.
2. The peace and purity of God’s space was reflected by the peace, totality and purity of Paradise that God created embodying his own Space. At the same time another main characteristic of God is the flow of his glory and love continuously giving life to Creation. This flow is one of the most important characteristics of the Holy Spirit. There will be more about this in my essay published right before the summer break on June 22nd.
3. How can we experience the Totality of the space of our lives?
I am going to formulate the first answer to this question quoting the lines of Martin Luther from the explanation of the book of Prophet Jonah „That is why it makes a big difference to know that God exists and who and what God is. The first one is a natural knowledge written into all hearts. The second can only be taught by the Holy Spirit”. The anonymous author of Frankfurt in Theologia Germanica described this in this way: "As the Sun cannot hide its shiny beams … God, who is the highest good, does not wish to hide himself if he finds a reverent soul that is already completely free of any creatures. Because as much as we can distance ourselves from our creature’s existence, we will be capable of adopting the Creator, neither more nor less”.
However, by distancing ourselves from our “creature existence” we will not become empty! Not only because we experience the Totality, giving such an enormous joy that we have never had before, but because at the same time we are filled with the energy and love that will pass this experience to others, too. Carthausian monks wrote about this as follows: "The soul that gives up itself and accepts the total sacrifice in which all forms of love are fulfilled – that soul lives the life of God himself. He knows God with the knowledge with which God loves himself. In these souls God’s simplicity is born and if they look deep inside themselves, they discover such a profound simplicity which cannot be disturbed by anything. This simplicity is their treasure, their strength and this creates their inexhaustible joy. Such souls are points glowing of love from which strength radiates having a mysterious effect: simply because they are in unity with Christ, engaged with the King, so they save the world ... The one who gets lost in the embrace of the divine essence, and lets himself reborn with Christ according to the Father’s will, will become the comforter of the souls. Without the need of return he passes to others the eternal happiness that set him on fire.”